- tHD
This ride has been postponed due to the fact that we're afraid to get wet...I have called off the attack seagulls. Tomorrow perhaps?
We're planning a ride at Island Lake this Saturday 8/21 at noon. Plan on doing at least a blue/yellow loop and we'll see how we all feel from there. You better show up or else these seagulls will hunt you down and kill you!!!I know the O2S reports and pics will be rolling in soon... I just wanted to quickly post a pic of my favorite souvenir of the weekend that I indulged in after mowing the lawn this afternoon. This is the glorious "Blonde Beaver Ale" from the Tahquamenon Falls Brewery. It's as good as it looks.
And Timmy... you see, if you are going to post a picture of beer, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. 1) There is actually beer in the mug 2) The mug the beer is consumed in was actually earned by racing one's mountain bike 3) The beer is actually something good, and not macro brewed with a Budweiser or PBR logo on it and 4) no gay photoshop!
Anyways, I really enjoyed my Ore to Shore weekend with Team Hot Dog. It ranks up there with some of the best biking trips I've been on. If you want to see some of the cool pics I've taken from our trip, mosey on over to my Flickr page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jdx26/