While browsing a popular Endurance Racing Forum this afternoon, the topic of leg cramping came up and what people do to alleviate this pesky problem. Since I'm no stranger to this condition, I decided to scroll through the thread. Endurolytes, bananas, water, riding through the pain, etc... Been there, done that!
...But Wait! MUSTARD? WTF?!?!
Yeap, after consulting The Google, I came across several testaments to the benefits of Mustard:
"I also get severe, excruciating leg cramps but they sneak up on me in the middle of the night. I can feel the muscle knotting up in my hamstrings. Very painful. Here is what works for me: MUSTARD! A teaspoon brings relief within 90 seconds and the cramp doesn't return. Not very tasty but effective. I have also read somewhere that pickle juice is effective at relieving leg cramps. Give it a try." - Anonymous Poster
In all seriousness here folks, this just leads to further proof that the Hot Dog, when dressed properly, is one of the healthiest foods ever invented. So the next time you're out on a training ride and your legs start to cramp up, Give it a try!
- Coach Steve
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