Wednesday, June 30, 2010
4th Of July Festivities
- Steve
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Waterford, MI.

Beer: We love beer. If you would like to bring some beer, we'll have a cooler with ice for your recovery beverages to chill while we ride. If you're running late or are just plain lazy, we'll be stopping at a store on the way back (see photo awesomeness above) to pick some up.
- Steve
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Pigs in a Blanket
After a few laughs, we all suited up and planned to head north towards Rattalee Lake Road. Once we got there, we would decide from if we wanted to head back for an easy 30 miler, or push to the infamous gas station on Grange Hall Rd. for some snacks on snacks. The route would take us up some of the biggest hills in Michigan and seeing as how this would be Crash's longest ride of the year, if not ever, we weren't sure how we were going to hold up.
Julie and Crash climbing "the biggest hill in Michigan"
Friday, June 25, 2010
PLRA 9am
Guess we'll figure it out on the dirt roads tomorrow. See you all then!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Sunday, Bloody Sunday!
The first few miles were filled with real easy flowing singletrack, kind of like a larger pump-track. The foliage was similar to Hanson Hills but with one HUGE difference....NO SAND! But the lack of sand did nothing to prevent the wife from spending a good amount of time off her bike during this ride. Crash #1 happened a few miles in. We all heard a funny noise come from the back of the pack and then an "I`m alright!" Bike vs. Stump....The stump won.
Crash #2 happened almost out of nowhere while making a sharp right turn with a tree on the left side of the trail. Somehow she managed to go wide and run right into the tree with her front tire. I was directly behind her when she hit the tree and it looked much worse than it was. The impact forced her off her bike into the standing position. The tree fortunately took the brunt of the force and while they were both shaking it off, I did what any good husband would do....I took a picture!
Crash #3 was probably due to fatigue and feeling a little too comfortable. We've all been in that situation when you`re just pedaling along, feeling great, your brain shuts off for a brief moment and then WHAM, you're off your bike and you have no idea WTF just happened. Her back tire washed out on an easy right turn and tossed her off the bike onto the ground. For a brief moment, I thought it was going to be pretty bad but she got up, we looked over all the new blood and scrapes that she just earned, checked the bike for any major damage and then got right back on.
Once we got back to the parking lot, my beautiful wife looked like she was mauled by a bear. But after a Hydrogen Peroxide bath and a nice soak in Higgins Lake, she was back to beautiful and we were talking about how to get her ready for Ore 2 Shore!
Props to JRAD and Julie for hosting an awesome weekend....We had a blast!
- Coach Steve, "Crash" and the Girls
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Biggest Hanson Hills in Michigan!
Since tHD's team nutritionist was off for the weekend, we decided to head up to G's pizza to carb load for all of the miles we were about to log. After a mean pie, some broccoli "nuggets" and a few pitchers of beer, we hit Wal Mart for some rations and then headed home for a night-cap of Fat Tire (gore) Ale.
The next morning came and I apparently had too many "carbs" the night before and felt a little "flu-ish." There was no sign of Doug and I think I was missing a tooth. The details were a little fuzzy but I also think there's was a tiger in the bathroom. Anyways, I medicated myself with an assortment of Gatorade/Water/Advil/One spoonful of Cereal/Chocolate Milk/PowerBar Bites and by the time we hit the foothills of Hanson Hills, I was ready to take on whatever lied ahead...or so I thought!
We spandex'd up in the parking lot, mounted our trusty 2-wheeled torture devices and hit the trail at a moderate to slow speed. We quickly encountered a gentleman who, as he was heading right for us, informed us that it was apparently a two-way trail! After he passed and we determined he was mentally unstable, we resumed our pace and winded our way up the many hills that Hanson had in store for us. Besides hills, it also had one thing that would prove to be my lovely wife's kryptonite....SAND!At around the 2 mile mark we encountered our first crash of what would be a LONG weekend of crashes...I personally don't remember all that happened but apparently a sand-monster reached up and grabbed Melissa's bike and tossed her off. After a few moments to clean up the blood and tears, she got back on the horse, I mean bike. As the trail winded on, we made sure to warn the sand-monsters that tHD was coming by yelling "SAND" every time we saw a pit, which I think the wife appreciated. :)
At around mile 7 (I think...) when we got to "Napper" bridge, I wanted to take a video for the blog for all of our adoring fans! (Hi Mom and Dad!) Thanks to Julie, this video is brought to you in true tHD fashion....Wheeeeeeeeee!It just took a few more miles of sweet northern Michigan singletrack and we were back to the parking lot for a group photo. Snacks on Snacks, as they say! I really enjoyed Hanson Hills and am hoping to make it up for the 12/24 Hours of Hanson Hills if my knees cooperate.....
To Be Continued...
I think I grew chest hairs 4 and 5 this year at Lumberjack...
I learned alot this year, being my first time on a geared bike. A 1x9 with the smallest gear of 32x32 is a horrible setup on hills that are longer than a mile. Was way too big of a gear. Talking with Chris Maltby he was spinning a 22x32 on the hills he said. (His time was 8:25, awesome time). So next year I will be running a full 3x9 setup. Would have been nice at the end. And also I will be going back to the basics of bananas and power bars in my pockets. They never seem to do me wrong. Also, mental toughness. I wanted to quit, everything hurt but I suffered through, miles 30-80, and was glad I did. I finished strong.
Time to rest my sore everything. Is this supposed to be fun? Hmmm...
Sorry, I have no pictures.
Peace out.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Good Luck Shaun!
Just wanted to post up and wish tHD's very own Shaun good luck at Lumberjack tomorrow! looks like a little rain tonite to soften up the sand....hopefully no lakes to carry your bike through! anyways, wish i was out there with you tomorrow! give it hell and break 9 hours!!! Roadhouse!
- Steve
Monday, June 14, 2010
Tree Farm Relay 2010

Well, last year we skipped it, but it looks like it's back... and I'd like to go and do this sucker again. In 2008 we went, and I really had a blast. Was one of the highlights of the season for me, and it wasn't so much about just racing your bike.
In talking with Coach Steve, he seems to agree. Maybe, we can even get enough folks rounded up to form two teams?
The race is July 24, and is $100 per team. For more information, please visit their site:
If you want in, please post up and say so. We figure out how many are in, we could perhaps enter two squads of Team Hot Dog.

Myroo at the start of the 2008 edition
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Too much time with Remy?

After spending the night pondering over who the rightful owner of this shirt shoud be, assisted by several glasses of the finest Sangria $10 could buy, I decided it needed to go to the original Hot Dog himself. That Saturday, I planned to present this gift to him as a token of my appreciation and man-love. He very gratiously thanked me and appeared to be really happy with this little slice of heaven...
Then he threw it right down on the parking lot of Island Lake and whizzed on it...

Well Hot Dog, If that's the way you're going to act...NO MORE GIFTS FOR YOU!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
tHD Rolls On!

Coach modeling the goods

Jrad leading out

Steve entering some singletrack

Obligatory pic of me to prove I was out there
Thursday, June 10, 2010
An A-Team(hd) Saturday...!

I pitty the fool who don't show up at Island Lake at 10am! After that, strap it on... it is Buffalo Wild Wings followed by a tHD showing of the A-Team in Novi. Why am I all excited you ask? Jesus kids, look who also stars in this flick:

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
how come?
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Tour de Cure

@ the start

Starting off in formation

Shaun showing off his pedal stroke

Proof HD was out there
Friday, June 4, 2010
WTF Happened?!

It's been a weird weird spring. Lots of miles... than boom! Nothing. Bad knees, a bulging disc in one's back, a badly sprained ankle, soccer accidents. What's going on dudes!!?? How come we're all jacked up? I think we all feel like the storm trooper in the above pic. At any rate, we start to change that tomorrow at the Tour de Cure ride. Looking forward to it.
If you enjoyed this photo, then check out this flickr set, titled "Stormtrooper 365" for some creative good laughs.