Spent a lovely 25 miles out there in Brighton today with the boys in red, black, and yellow.... well, some of us anyways, thanks V-Gear. We rode and raised $1,240.00 for people battling diabetes in the Tour de Cure. What was supposed to be a 100 mile epic, turned into a quick out and back due to many of us getting old. Coach Steve's knee held up to get out there, and we all had fun. The Carraba's at the end was a good way to cap off the day.

@ the start

Starting off in formation

Shaun showing off his pedal stroke

Proof HD was out there

@ the start

Starting off in formation

Shaun showing off his pedal stroke

Proof HD was out there
Awesome photos, HD! I can't thank you guys enough for joining me on this ride and raising some cash for a great cause! I`m hoping this good karma will snap us out of our tHD curse! Anyways, I took the liberty of adding in a few links and a photo of the grub after the ride...Roadhouse!