With just a few weeks to go before the 2011 Ore 2 Shore Bike Race in Marquette, Mi. a lot of fan e-mail has come into Team Hot Dog Headquarters asking me how I train for such a demanding race. With O2S designated as a Priority A race, a lot of time and effort goes into making sure everything is just perfect. You can not skip over any of the steps and expect to perform at the level that someone of my abilities is capable of. So, with that being said, here is the secret of my success...
Step 1. Ride A Lot
I, so far this week, have 10 miles in at Pontiac Lake Recreation Area. But I was at optimal race pace and managed a blistering 01:23:52 lap time. I am also planning on doing a lap at ILRA or maybe Maybury this week. We will see. I don't know if I'll have enough time
Step 2. Stay Hydrated
This is a very important part of my training. Especially with the temperatures that have plagued SE Michigan over the last month, it is crucial to consume as much liquid as possible. Just last night, Mrs. Coach and I stayed hydrated by sampling a few bottles of Wine. Grapes are fruit so you can't go wrong there! Might I suggest a company named Leinenkugels who I hear makes a tasty trail-side Lemonade.

Step 3. Don't Forget to Stretch (or breathe!)
After an intense workout, it is extremely important to stretch out those tired muscles. If you don't follow this step, then your friends will have to listen to you bitch and moan about how you messed up your knees for a whole year. I have found that Pilates and Yoga does the trick for me. I picked up an excellent workout video that may help you as well...
Step 4. Make sure that your bike is in Optimal Condition
A lot of people find this to be an important step before a long race such as the O2S. I prefer to skip this step and focus more on the more important steps. Besides, if your bike is working properly, then you're not really riding hard enough.
Step 5. Cross Train
Spending all of your time focused on cycling can make it kind of boring. You definitely don't want to get "burned out" before the big day so I have found that trying other activities can be beneficial. One such activity involves laying on the couch. Now some of you may laugh but there's a method to my madness. Spending up to 4 hours in the seated position while clicking a device (in this case, a remote control) can best simulate the O2S race. Clicking the Remote control helps to maintain your superior shifting skills so you're ready for the big day. I almost forgot that it is important to make sure that your cable bill is paid prior to attempting this step.
Another great cross-training activity that I enjoy is swimming. You can tell by my superior tan in the photo below that I spend HOURS in the water working on my cardio.

Step 6: Taper
With all of this work that you'll be putting in, it is important to remember to rest. I can not stress enough how important it is to follow this step. At least a week before a huge event of this nature, be sure and take some time off your bike. Your body will thank you for it. Focus this time on carbo-loading so you have enough nutrients for the big day.

By following all of these steps, I can almost guarantee you a Sub 5 hour lap time at the Ore 2 Shore Hard Rock race. But ONLY if you follow each and every one of these steps. I am looking forward to seeing each and every one of you up north in a few weeks for what always turns out to be epic adventures...
- Coach