Sure, there was a small stop at the MSU Pavilion for the MMBA Expo and Annual Meeting. That thing went over like a fart in church. Shaun started his timer the second we waltzed in. It was great to see the usual accumulation of crappy bike parts, and the same congregation of dorks who post all over the MMBA forum. Tack on an additional 20 mins for some dude to decide if he wanted to buy Jrad's wheels, and we were back in the car headed for Webberville.
Once at the silos, we all ordered up a few of our favorite brews, ate some bar food, and started to do what we do best, talk shit while slightly intoxicated. Topics included: 2012 cycling goals, Barry-Roubaix, Jrad's new paint scheme, marriage and fatherhood, our trip to Northern Georgia, how to sneak an empty pint glass into a jacket without getting caught, and what broken blood vessels in one's face look like after yacking.
Finally, we drank all our beer and called it a day. Before taking off, it was time to assemble for our 2012 photo with the silos. I've included the last 3 photos to see how far we've come. We should all be very proud. I especially enjoyed the snow ball fight before getting back in the car. EPIC!

In closing, I leave you with some art work I left on Coach's car as I left Shaun's house yesterday...

I'm not sure I want to know what a "Release" Party at Hot Dog's House is all about...but it was indeed a grand time on Sunday, Expo included!