Thursday, July 29, 2010

Curse of the Skulls Continues...

Call me superstitious, but I think there actually might be something to this "Curse of the Skulls" afterall. For those of you that don't know, this is the old mysinglespeed team kit. It was said once that bad things happen if you ride a geared bike while wearing the skulls. So the story goes...I was headed out for a nice Thursday night ride, was looking for some clean spandex and came upon the Skulls (queue Brady Bunch Tiki Necklace noise). The thought crossed my mind that perhaps I should leave them behind, but the day was wasting away and I needed to get on the road.

This skull looks angry, doesn't it?

With my full Skull kit (there's that noise again!) on, I loaded up my bike and fired up the garmin. A quick look at the GPS and it somehow factory reset itself. All of my settings were gone. Great!

The next 40 miles were fairly uneventful. A coyote passed about 10ft. in front of me on McKetchie Rd. which was a pretty cool sight then some hot-lapper douche cut me off on at PLRA on Jay Hill (where Jay crashed a few years ago and looked like QuasiMoto) and about killed me.

The scene of the crime

On the way home, my hardtail started to feel like a full suspension...and then a unicycle. I looked down and ffffffffffffflat! Pulled over into someone's driveway, took the back tire off and found this nail completely wedged in there. People, I NEVER get flats. Cure of the skulls continues!

I'd much rather run over a penny than a nail...

Some of you may have remembered my railroad track incident from a few weekends ago...Note the skulls in the photos. Food for thought...Otherwise, an excellent night for a ride!
- Steve

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