Saturday, June 9, 2012

Tour De Cure - 2012 Edition

Me @ Dunkin Donuts on the morning of the Tour De Cure:

Dunkin Donuts Speaker - "Thank you for choosing Dunkin Donuts, What can I get you to drink?"
Coach - "I'll have a Bacon, Egg and Cheese bagel on a Multi-Grain Bagel, an Iced Coffee with Creme and Sugar....and how about a Boston Creme?"
Dunkin Donuts Speaker - "Is that all?"
Coach - "Umm....(after some serious thought about another donut)...Yeah I guess that'll be it"
Dunkin Donuts Speaker - "That will be $XX.XX. Please pull around"

- Coach Drives to the window with bike on the back - 

Lady at Dunkin Donuts Drive Thru - "Oh you going biking this morning?"
Coach (as she is handing me my death bagel, donut and my coffee) - "Yeah I have a charity ride for the American Diabetes Association"
Lady at Dunkin Donuts Drive Thru - "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...."

So, at 7:30, I meet up with JRAD and David and head into Brighton High School to get signed in, get our number plates and line up for the big 62 miler. Surprise #1 happens when I reach in my registration packet and find THIS:

Quest for the patch...Complete? Apparently this is what the Tour De Cure gives out for 6 years of riding....I'm not complaining. So we line up for our official send-off from Ron Savage and he throws a shout-out to Team Hot Dog as we're rolling under the start/finish gate. Bonus!

The route took us on a spirited roll through Chelsea, the Pinckney Recreation Area, out to Hell and back to Brighton High School. But before we go any further...I introduce to you Shenanigans:
and MORE shenanigans...

Ok, back to the riding. We did ride quite a few miles, afterall. Would have been 62 but JRAD said "To Hell With Diabetes, I am going to add more miles!" So after I finally flagged him down and set him back on the right course, we were rollin' again.

The last aid station brought on some emotions that none of us thought would happen. It was a truly powerful moment that I was happy to catch on my camera...

As we rolled back into Brighton High School to finalize our Tour De Cure obligations, we met up with my co-worker Dave who rode the 25 mile course. I'd like to give a big shout-out to him for joining Team Hot Dog for this event. Sounds like he had a blast! As bummed as I thought I would be about Carabbas not catering the event anymore, the Chicken Tacos from Chili's kept my mind off it.

In all, Team Hot Dog raised $1390.00 to kick Diabetes' Ass. That was good enough for 6th place in the Club/Organization Team. I am expecting my plaque in the mail any day now.

Thank you to David, JRAD and Dave for participating in the event, fundraising and putting up with my overly"spirited pace" at times today. The rest of THD, family, friends and co-workers who stepped up, donated and supported us, THANK YOU AS WELL.

The Details:

 Hope to see you all next year,

- "Coach" Steve

1 comment:

  1. Nice write up and good job guys! Looks like it was a pretty sweet day. Hope to see you all tomorrow.
