Monday, June 25, 2012

Bikes, Beer and Beef 2012

For those of you who are new-to or friends of Team Hot Dog and haven't quite grasped the time-honored traditions of our secret organization, may I introduce to you the famous Bikes, Beer and Beef. The concept is simple, we ride our bikes out to Holdridge and back (Bikes), we rehydrate at Shaun's place afterwards (Beer) and fire up the grill (Beef) with whatever concoction your little hot dog heart can dream of.

Here are a few examples of pure awesomeness from 2010 and 2011:

The plan is to start from Shaun's house at 9AM on Sunday, July 1st, head out to Holdridge (easy pace back-road ride 40ish miles) and back. If you wish to participate, please bring a dish to pass. Bonus points for a creative hot dog inspired dish, however, feel free to pick up pasta salad, chips, desserts, whatever. This is a BYOB type of event so bring whatever types of post-ride hydration you want.

Finally, it's not mandatory but it is strongly encouraged that you wear your Team Hot Dog kit during the ride so we get that whole scooter-gang vibe while we're cruising the backroads and biggest hills in Michigan. It also makes the blog photos look pretty sweet (see links above).

Hope to see all of you there!

- Steve