As the holiday season is upon us I wanted to extend a warm holiday message to my fellow hot dogs out there. I would also like to add a few wishes for that jolly ole guy in red.
1. May Steve get himself a new pair of knees.
2 May Shaun get himself that well deserved Jet Nine.
3. May John get all the beer he wants.
4. May Tim not get eatin by that Knight Rider truck of his.
5. May Jared's Felt never need anything done to it, since it worked right out of the box.
and finally
6. May Myroo finally get a new chain.
So as we head into the next two days of eating and drinking and spreading the holiday cheer with our famlies lets keep our goals in mind and have one heck of a Hot Dog season in 2011.
Merry Christmas
Well said brother Cooper! Happy Holidays man. Hope you have a good one, as well as everyone else. Hope to see you guys soon!
LOL @ the Night Rider comment....Almost forgot about that! Merry X-Mas to all!