Drink Beer
Eat A Ton of Marco's Pizza
Drink More Beer
Reminder that Barry Roubaix Sign-Up is coming up in a few weeks
Get the Crayons Out and design a jersey for 2011
Drink More Beer
Talk about our upcoming trip to Pisgah, NC
JRAD's Derailleur Adjusting Clinic (Basement)
The Sampling of the Hammer Endurolyte Fizz and Perpetuem Solids
With all of the liquid confidence in the air, at some point, I agreed to race in the final Tailwind Cyclocross race of the season. Despite the fact that I`m now regretting even considering lining up in the C Class tomorrow, I'm still going to follow through with my promise and fly the tHD colors to victory (or total failure!)....
As the evening drew to a close, a fight broke out between Hot Dog and Tim. I think there were a few bad words being said about Mo-dex and Tim delivered the final knock-out punch to put a cap on tHD's 2010 annual meeting, Roadhouse Style.
Stay tuned for jersey updates and all sorts of Shenanigans! (wheee little shenanigans...)
- Steve
You guys are too funny!!!!