Sunday, September 19, 2010

Out of Shape+New Job=Slow Cyclocross Racer

Tis the time of the year when the weather gets a little cooler, the leaves start falling and I spend a lot of my time thinking about donuts and cider!. I didn't have time for cider and donuts today because I hit day 2 of the Tailwind Waterford Hills Doublecross. I knew I wasn't ready to do any racing. Heck... with the new job, I have ridden twice since Ore to Shore in the beginning of August. One of those rides was to the Cider Mill so you know I didn't gain any fitness there!

Last night I spent a little time Converting My Quiring 29er Singlespeed over to cross duty. I changed the brake pads, which I have been meaning to do for 2 months now and mounted up my trusty 35mm Maxxis Mimos. The only thing I didn't do was actually clean the bike up which it needs badly.

This morning I raced in the C class and the weather could not have cooperated more. It was a nice sunny morning with temps in the lower 60's. After about 3 warm-up laps (I usually do 1)it was time to Rock and Roll. The gun went off at 10 A.M. and I was off with the gearies on my way under-geared singlespeed. It wouldn't have mattered any because I had no gas in the tank. My whole body hurt from head to toe from beginning to end. I spent most of my day taking up the rear of the C group and thankfully I didn't finish DFL.

Even with the pain and placing it was still a positive day. My lap times were consistent, I stayed upright and most of all had a nice lunch with the Hot Doggers at BW's over Wings, Beer and Football.

Please disregard my beer belly in the pictures. I am working to remedy the situation!

Next up.... Tour De Troit.


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