Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Recruitment Time!


Do you like to ride your bike? Do you like to drink beer? Are you looking to join a team or club to further your biking excitement? Well then, look no further than Team Hot Dog! We are looking to add to the fun group of “hot doggers” we already roll with, and are hoping you become part of that group.

We don’t require much in order to join the team. You don’t have to race expert or semi-pro. Good friends, good fun, and better beer after the ride is what we are all about. And don’t forget about an occasional hot dog. All we kind of ask is that you participate in at least one event throughout the year, and roll our jersey (which you’ll have to purchase) while doing so. Public humiliation in a hot dog costume may or may not be included.

Some of us race quite a bit, some, not at all. We’re just looking to expand our group. Think you got what it takes? Please e-mail Steve or John to get the party started. Please e-mail the following information to us:
  • A brief summary of your biking past
  • Why you would like to become part of a team
  • A recent photo of you on a bike (yes, we discriminate)
  • Your favorite beer

Once we receive and review what you’ve sent, we’ll decide whether or not you are cool enough to join our elite group of bikers.

Thanks for your interest!


  1. If you`re going pro, where is your carbon bicycle and your Training Coach?

  2. I actually thought about doing one of his 100 mile plans.....
