Wednesday, April 13, 2011

First Single Track Ride Of The Season!!

Well, I was sitting at work today and was thinking I definitely wanted to go for a ride today. I was thinking of hitting Paint Creek Trail (which has the biggest hills in MI by the way) but I received some last minute motivation from Coach Steve to hit the single track at Stony Creek. He said "you cant get better on the PCT". So after about a few minutes of debating I decided to pop the season cherry.

A 2 mile ride from my apartment to the hole in the fence trail head and I was ready to go. I started my trek through the Pines and I felt like I owned the place. I felt fast cause I passed a few people, yes they were older woman and they may have been on their 4th lap but that's neither here nor there.... The Snake was a little tough but I pulled through to reach the top of Mt. Sheldon.

After a short rest I started my way on the roller coaster which was really fun. I actually fell one time as I was climbing a hill and just turned the wheel to much and just fell over (Damn Clipless). Reaching the last hill at the end of loop was the easiest part. Maybe cause there was a group of people at the top and I wanted to look cool Roadhouse Style.

All in all it was a great ride and it felt good to get out and hit the trails. Now its time to power up with some steak and the silver bullet, that's Coors Light to all you perverts thinking something else.



  1. See, when you listen to me, good things happen! Glad you finally learned your lesson...Oh and it's nice to see that the wife let you out to ride this evening! ;)

  2. Paint Creek has made me, what I am today!! :)
