Monday, March 14, 2011

A Fat Man on a Little Ride

Got a chance to get my first ride of the year in outdoors this evening. My gosh the winter has not been kind to me!! I simply did two laps around the lake at Stony, on my trusty steed, Jake the Snake. Why does it seem every spring, my belly stretches that spandex just a tad more? Ugh. Time to right the ship!


  1. Holy Heart Rate, Batman! Were you having a heart attack? Proud of ya for getting out there and "righting the ship!"

  2. I noticed that too. Either that or he's 12.

  3. Of course, my heart rate will probably surpass that during my first round of golf this year.

  4. Oh it will....over a nice frosty beverage and wings....Wheeee!

  5. No worries John. I'm out of shape too. I'll be out there Saturday, but it won't be pretty.

  6. Yeah, I`m with Myroo (check the other blog post, I think he`s drunk)...Check your settings for your age, height and weight. They might be off!

  7. How do you adjust the heart rate limits? I double checked my settings for age, height, weight, and they were good.
