Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sunday Gathering Anyone?

Steve and I discussed it, and I'd like to open up my crib and invite you all over Sunday afternoon. Everyone's welcome to come on by, pick up your gear, and I'll have some beers on hand. We can think of something to do food wise if you all like too. The 12 oz curls will be good training for Barry Roubaix in a few weeks.

Mrs. Hot Dog will be out for the day, so I will have the place all to myself. I was thinking of having you all over around 1pm or so if that is ok? Let me know if you guys are down for this, and I can e-mail you out my address and stuff if you don't already have it.

For those of you who can't make it, I can either mail you your gear, or, Steve or someone else who may see you more often can drop it off. We will figure something out.

Hope things are well. Hope to hear from and see you soon. Peace.


  1. Sunday works for me...I`ll be there

  2. I should be able to make it unless I'm suffering from a beer induced coma post Saturday Golf Expo. I'll need your address.

  3. I'm in. I will bring a check along with me. Email me the addy. Will decide on transportation there.

  4. I'll shoot out an e-mail with my address in a few... Just a warning, I live far east. Like almost China east. Maybe you can car pool or something?

    Anyone have a beer preference? I was thinking just a case of Coors Lights. And some hot dogs?

  5. Yeah, since we're righting the ship, I suggest light beer! :) Hot Dogs, beer and dudes in Spandex....what a day!

  6. Since I don't have everyone's email address, I sent my address info to Coach Steve so he can pass it on. Hope to see alot of you Sunday! Should be fun. Beer. Wieners. Spandex. Say no more.
